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Ukraine produced 160000 tons of silicon in 2006. World production of silicon in 2006 was 5.1 million tons.
Ukraine's production of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) in 2006 was 375900 tonnes. World production of gypsum in 2006 was 142.5 millions tonnes.
The uranium and iron mines in the Zhovti Vody mine in the Ukraine was one of only three mines in 2003 to produce scandium oxide, the other two were the rare earth mines in Bayan Obo, China and the apatite mines in the Kola peninsula, Russia.
In 2006, Ukraine produced approx. 600000 tonnes of ilmenite (FeTiO3), and 100000 tonnes of rutile (TiO2), the only two commercially important titanium ores.
Over 80% of the known world manganese resources are to be found in Ukraine and South Africa.
Ukraine's production of iron ore in 2006 was 74 million tonnes. Total world production of iron ore in 2006 was 1.81 billion tonnes.
Production of pig iron in Ukraine in 2006 was 32.9 million tonnes. Total world production of pig iron in 2006 was 925.8 million tonnes.
Ukraine's combined smelter/refinery production of nickel in 2006 was 15900 tonnes. Worldwide smelter/refinery production of nickel in 2006 was 1.337 million tonnes.
In 2006, Ukraine produced 17300 tonnes of refined copper, total production of refined copper was 17.2 million tonnes.
Data on world production of primary gallium are unavailable because data on the output of the few producers are considered to be proprietary.
In 2007, world primary production was estimated to be about 80 metric tons. China, Germany, Japan, and Ukraine were the leading producers.
Countries with smaller output were Hungary, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Slovakia. Refined gallium production was estimated to be about 103 metric tons; this figure includes some scrap refining.
Gallium was recycled from new scrap in Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
In 2006, the Ukraine produced approx. 700 tonnes, world wide production was 481 thousand tonnes.
In 2006, the Ukraine produced around 37000 tonnes of zircon (ZrSiO4), the main commercial source of zirconium.
In 2006, the Ukraine's production of refined lead was 56300 tonnes. Total world production of refined lead in 2006 was 8 million tonnes.